Survei Akreditasi di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Operator SPBE_MM

Survei Akreditasi di RSUD Kota Prabumulih

Direktur Rsud Kota Prabumulih, drg. Sriwidiastuti Mendampingi Walikota Prabumulih Ir. H Ridho Yahya. MM Membuka Acara Survei Akreditasi di RSUD Kota Prabumulih oleh Lembaga Rumah Sakit Damar Husada Paripurna (LARS-DHP)

Turut Hadir dalam acara ini Inspektur Daerah Kota Prabumulih H.Indra Bangsawan, SH,.MM, Surveior Akreditasi LARS-DHP dr. Hj Makiani, SH,.MARS, Tumpuk Susmiyati, S.Kep,Ners dan Seluruh Jajaran RSUD Kota Prabumulih Serta Tamu Undangan yang terkait.




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Profil Penulis


No matter how exciting or significant a person's life is, a poorly written biography will make it seem like a snore. On the other hand, a good biographer can draw insight from an ordinary life-because they recognize that even the most exciting life is an ordinary life! After all, a biography isn't supposed to be a collection of facts assembled in chronological order; it's the biographer's interpretation of how that life was different and important


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